Pet Photographers Worldwide

Friday, January 4, 2013

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other | Sydney Dog Photographer

It was last April that I first met Mozart - when I documented his adoption. He’s been one lucky maltese/poodle/other (maybe a bit of Shih Tzu?) in finding a forever home - that second chance in life. And he was proud to share it with me when I visited him for Christmas lunch where he lives with his adopted parents, adopted cat siblings, and a backyard of currawongs. And he loves his toys - 2 big buckets of them.

{ update 6.Jan.2013 } Mozart's LOL was featured in Flickr's Explore, 4.Jan.2013. This dog has a winning smile!

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Toys of Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography
Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography

Mozart the maltese/poodle/other by twoguineapigs pet photography


  1. I'm not sure which I love more - the name Mozart or that precious face!

    1. Thanks Erika, for dropping by - it's a bonus when you have both! :)

  2. Oh, Mozart is an absolute cutie! What a sweet face. :)

    1. I couldn't take my eyes off him! Good to hear from you Nicole :) x

  3. what a little sweetheart! love that tongue.

    1. Pretty long tongue for a little dog too.. :) xx

  4. These are great. I love the processing and lifestyle vantage.

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment Marilyn - means a lot to me :) xx

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